is not known when people began to dance; however, because expressive movement
is so spontaneous, because dance is almost universal, and because it is so
intimately interrelated with other aspects of a culture, it is possible that
dance developed along with the evolution of our species. Many animals perform
dance-like movements in situations similar to human courtship and play. These
movement rituals, however, lack the conscious use of symbols that is present in
human dance.
cave paintings from more than 20,000 years ago depict figures in animal
costumes who seem to be dancing, possibly in hunting or fertility rituals, or
perhaps merely for education or entertainment. Because all cultural groups are
continually changing, no societies survive today who are like Paleolithic or
Stone Age peoples or who dance as they may have danced. A few cultures that
exist today, however, have had little or no direct contact with industrialized
societies. At times their dances may look simple to an outsider, but often they
are not. Usually they form part of complicated rituals that involve highly
sophisticated religious or philosophical ideas. Furthermore, because most of
the dances are for participation, they must be easy to learn. Such societies
may also possess presentational dances. Among Australian aboriginals and
African Khoi-san peoples, for example, skilled individuals perform mime and
acrobatic dances to entertain and instruct.