Jump Rope for Heart   

Why It's So Important!

Heart disease is this nation's No. 1 killer; stroke is the No. 3 killer and is also a leading cause of serious disability. Every year, more than 950,000 Americans die from cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That's nearly 42 percent of all deaths.

These diseases may remain critical problems in the future because of poor lifestyle habits among American adults and children. For example, only 1 of 10 Americans participate in 30 minutes or more of vigorous activity every day.

In addition ...

Healthy lifestyles can help prevent heart disease and stroke. Good nutrition, physical activity, staying tobacco free, and maintaining a healthy blood pressure and weight are all part of a healthy lifestyle. Jump rope For Heart helps get this message across to students.

3 Healthy Heart Themes

  1. Eat Healthy Stuff!
  2. Move Around Enough!
  3. Live Tobacco Free!

You can have a
healthy heart.

5 Risk Factors of Heart Disease

Little or no exercise
Poor nutrition

Jump Into It!!!

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