Wellness Articles
"Physical education is more than recess, more than a time to play. It's a time for learning. Our first aim is to help children improve their movement skills. In addition to helping children become more skillful, we attempt to help them feel good about themselves as movers so that they'll learn to feel comfortable participating in new and different activities. We try to help children experience success in physical education so that they'll enjoy and participate in physical activity both at school and at home. If we give children a good foundation skill development, cognitive understanding, and positive attitudes toward themselves in physical activity, they'll be well on their way to becoming adults who derive the benefits of physically active and healthy lifestyles."
(fr. Teaching Elementary Physical Education)
Virginia requires all students to receive health and physical education instruction at all instructional levels from grades K-10.
The health and physical education program is designed to teach students the skills, knowledge and attitudes essential to live a healthy lifestyle and select healthy and safe behaviors.
Physical education content includes: fitness and conditioning; fitness planning; rhythmic activities and dances; stunts; tumbling and gymnastics; and lifetime sport activities
We have a strong emphasis on such fitness areas as: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, agility, speed, etc.
Physical Education Standards of Learning - Virginia
Instructional Resource: Physical Education
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